Sure, once in a while some nasty things happen, like a strong army joining the enemy but even that can be overcome. You can have a tough time with some but it should be winnable. It means you can win that map whatever color (player) you start and whatever town you choose. Most maps where every faction is playable (you can play with every color) should be quite balanced. Where every player's start is a mirror of what other players get. James5272: "And One For All" is an example of what I'm looking for. Master of Orion 2 and Master of Magic are including H3 my Top 3 favorite TBS games although recently Eador Genesis has been trying to compete for my time haha. Heroes Chronicles, which is still H3 just stand alone expansions, on the other hand was clearly a cash grab by a company that was struggling at the end and I would never recommend them to new players sadly as they only offer the campaign mode with really 0% replayability.

OR ones that try drain you dry with subscription fees, "Pay2Play" or "Pay2Win" mentalities that cost so much money in the long run. I will admit I prefer older games that didn't rely on graphics so much over gameplay as far to many of them do now. I really need to ask you if you are actually a fan of "Turn Based Strategy Games" or not and if yes then which ones would you consider to be superior to H3? Or which ones did you just enjoy more? After purchasing the game itself there were no fee's to be able to play either, and the game regularly received support and updates. Also the last Expansion was a stand alone which people did not need to have the other 2 to be able to play which is a lot more than other companies were doing. The first part of Heroes 3 was released early Feb of 99, the first expansion over half a year later in Oct 99 and the final expansion another 7months later in April 2000. Just because these ways are not obvious for someone who's been playing for a couple days does not make the game bad. There are some towns that do better for the long haul and some do better in the short term, but there are always ways to limit weaknesses. How can you possibly make every Faction of a game "Balanced" without making them cookie cutter copies of each other that become stale within a week? Aside from the visuals it's pretty much a mess. Feel the same way with the faction imbalances, they went quantity > quality. Honestly the more I play this game the more I realize that their concern was with pumping out as much content as fast as possible, as opposed to taking their time to make fewer maps that were balanced and highly replayable. James5272: That's kind of why I asked for "balanced" maps.